Prepare for your next job interview in four simple steps

Are you missing out on career opportunities because you don’t perform confidently in job interviews?


You are not alone. Many people perform badly in job interviews because they don’t know how to look confident, they don’t know how to sell themselves, and they don’t prepare.

Someone who is less qualified than you, who has inferior skills and experience to you has been able to convince their panel that they are the best person for the job - the job that was supposed to be yours!

One of the main reasons that you may not succeed in job interviews is that you don’t feel confident under pressure or without preparation. Despite the many unknown elements of a job interview, there is plenty of preparation you can do to give you a sense of control and confidence.

Let me show you how to prepare for a job interview in four simple steps.

1. Undertake research

Begin with researching the organisation and role you are applying for by exploring their website and speaking with others. This will help you to identify the organisation’s strategic priorities, challenges, special projects and events. You can then weave this information into your answers at the interview. By doing your homework, you can stand out from the rest.

2. Prepare an inventory of examples and stories to share

Create a list of stories and examples that are applicable for different types of questions. Have them ready for whatever question is thrown at you. For example, if you think your panel may ask you how you contribute to teams, think about specific situations in current and previous jobs where you have demonstrated effective team skills. Concrete examples and stories will engage your panel and make you more credible. They also make you more memorable than a candidate who just gives examples of what makes an effective team player without demonstrating how they do it.

3. Manage your nerves on the day

When you arrive at the interview, take some deep breaths from your diaphragm before you enter the building and while you wait for your turn. This will help your voice quality and to calm your nerves.

When you feel nervous, you may tend to use protective and closed body language. Focus on maintaining a confident posture to help you look and feel more confident. To assist you with this, stand rather than sit, and avoid looking at your phone in the waiting room.

4. Make a memorable first impression

When someone enters the room to collect you, walk confidently and purposefully to the interview room. Upon meeting each interviewer, look them directly in the eye and smile. When invited to sit, keep your body language open to appear confident. Avoid slouching or touching your face or neck – clear signs of nervousness!

At the end of the interview, stand tall, smile, maintain eye contact and walk away with confidence, telling yourself that you have the job (if you want it of course!)

If you want support in preparing for your next interview or you would like to practice a mock interview, sign up for a one on one coaching session

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